Respect. Preserve. Enjoy.
The Farm Community Fund harnesses the philanthropic power of outdoor enthusiasts to protect open lands that are sources of food, fun, and healthy futures for everyone.
Open spaces fuel outdoor adventures.
There’s no question: local, farm fresh foods make our lives better. It’s also true that beyond a farm’s edible bounty the land it conserves is rich with opportunities for outdoor adventures.
Open landscapes get you on your bike. Forest trails call to you for a run or hike. Even service projects with your community connect you to the land.
But did you know that every day the United States loses 2000 acres of open land to development? Forty-one percent of those acres are taken out of rural communities where you love to ride, run, learn, and play. The Farm Community Fund works to stop farmland development by fostering a diverse network of programs with grant support and raising public awareness of their missions.
Our mission is to foster vital farms, open spaces, and resilient communities. You can help.
The biggest difference you can make for a farm or community initiative right now is a donation. Most people are giving $50. You can choose the amount that is right for you. Thank you!
If you love meeting new people and helping at events, you can support our efforts by volunteering at one of the Farm to Fork Fitness Adventures May - October.
Cyclists can do more than get a great workout. Join our team of fundraisers to increase grants that support agricultural, recreational, and community initiatives from Vermont to South Carolina.
How do you enjoy open spaces?
Whether you live in a rural community or just visit from time to time, open spaces are important to us all.
The bounty of farms, large and small, sustains all aspects of our lives, including outdoor recreation. Healthy foods and beautiful places fuel our adventures.
Community agricultural initiatives teach the importance of farms and open spaces, cultivating a desire to preserve these places for our future.